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发布时间:2023.07.28    新闻来源:安徽中医药大学第一附属医院临床研究实验中心   浏览次数:


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12023.07—至今  安徽中医药大学第一附属医院临床研究实验中心


[1] Luan, M. J.; Zhang, B. C.; Ma, L. K.; Yuan, S. M.; Liu, Y. Z.; Hou Z. H.; Huang G. M., Inter-domain Repulsion of Dumbbell-shaped Calmodulin during Electrospray Ionization Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. Anal. Chem. 95, 23, 8798-8806.

[2] Luan, M. J.; Hou Z. H.; Huang G. M., Suppression of Protein Structural Perturbations in Native Electrospray Ionization during the Final Evaporation Stages Revealed by Molecular Dynamics Simulations. J. Phys. Chem. B. 2022, 126, 144-150.

[3] Hou, Z. H.; Luan, M. J.(共一); Zhan, L. J.; Wang, X. Q.; Yuan, S. M.; Cao, K. M.; Sheng, Y. P.; Yin, H.; Liu, Y. Z.; Huang, G. M., Native Mass Spectrometry for Peptide–Metal Interaction in Picoliter Cell Lysate. Anal. Chem. 2022, 94, 13829-13833.

[4] Hou, Z. H.; Zhan, L. J.; Cao, K. M.; Luan, M. J.; Wang, X. Q.; Huang, G. M., Metabolite profiling and identification in living cells by coupling stable isotope tracing and induced electrospray mass spectrometry. Anal. Chim. Acta. 2023, 1241, 340795.

[5] Hou, Z. H.; Zhan, L. J.; Luan, M. J.; Tian, S. S.; Dai, M. J.; Huang, G. M., Chinese. Metabolites Analysis of Single Cell by Mass Spectrometry and Application in Single Neuron Metabolites Analysis. J. Anal. Chem. 2019, 47, 1601-1611.



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